Challenge Day 74

74. Caught Red-Handed: Write about being caught doing something embarrassing.

As a high-school senior, I enrolled in a high-school university program where I could take one class per quarter. I had a university ID card and left the high-school campus at noon. One of my high-school classes was being a TA for Psychology with a GF who happened to live across the street from the high school. We asked our teacher if we could go to the GF’s house for some reason or another and received permission. But when we stepped off campus, the truant officers picked us up. We explained that we had permission but our excuses fell on deaf ears because we were then trundled into the back of the truancy van with the others they had picked up. Downtown at the police station, the police called my mom who happened to work 2 blocks away from the station and had to come pick me up. I was agitated, frustrated, and embarrassed. I should have showed the officers that I had a university ID because I bet that would have gotten me out of that situation.