Challenge Day 73

73. Last Person You Talked to: Write a quick little poem or story about the last person you spoke with.

Daylight Saving Time ended in the US which means my day in Australia begins an hour earlier and this cascades to not being able to exercise or find good coffee before I sit down to work at 7am. I roll out of bed, add a layer of warmth, make my own coffee and breakfast, and work my four hours. Finally at 11am I can go to the gym, shower, and get ready for the rest of the day. Sushi is an easy and convenient lunch requiring little time, thought, or money. Catching the elevator is harder than is necessary when you live on the 30th floor resulting in being late to events. After walking across the street into a grocery store foyer, we ordered and ate our sushi. As we left the the building, DH2 was off to catch the tram to work, leaned over and gave me a kiss. I said that he wasn’t saying goodbye yet because we had to walk by our building for him to catch the tram and he said he’d kissed me then strategically knowing that he’d get to kiss me goodbye again when we split at the building entrance. He just wanted to kiss me again.