Challenge Day 72

72. Where That Place Used to Be: Think of a place you went to when you were younger but it now no longer there or is something else. Capture your feelings about this in your writing.

The “Bull and Mouth” bar resided in the Bannockburn Village on the UC Riverside campus in the 70’s-90’s. Growing up in the 70’s I heard about about this cool bar and I think my sister even went there probably illegally. When I was a sophomore in yearbook class, we went to the Bull and Mouth for group photos during the day when they allowed minors in the door. The place was quirky with memorabilia and all manner of detritus decorating the walls, ceilings, and corners. When I lived in Bannockburn, I could go in for lunch or dinner but it wasn’t until my 21st birthday that I visited the Bull and Mouth as a bar. I went there at midnight at the beginning of my birthday for a Long Island Iced Tea. I think I had two, which was of course a big mistake. After graduation, any time I visited campus, I would drop by the bar. Alas, all good things come to an end and it closed around 1996 and I wasn’t visiting Riverside as often. I get warm, fuzzy memories of my youth when I think about the Bull and Mouth.