Challenge Day 71

71. Famous Artwork: Choose a famous painting and write about it.

In my teens and twenties, I loved going to the Los Angeles County Art Museum. I studied art indirectly in classes that weren’t necessarily about art, but were art-heavy in content so I did learn about various artists and eras. I liked going to the museum because I got to get out of the hometown, get dressed up, and go to a nice restaurant. The Portrait of Mrs. Edward L. Davis and Her Son, Livingston Davis by John Singer Sargent always captured my interest. The stark black and white image symbolized an ideal of adulthood and something to aspire to. I imagined Mrs. Davis was dressed fashionably for the time and was content with her life. I marveled at the light on her black dress and loved the fabric detail. Her face is almost photographic in detail while the son is less focused. Every time I visited the museum, this portrait caught my eye and I think fondly of my visits there.