Challenge Day 54

54. Dear Diary: Write a poem or short story about a diary entry you’ve read or imagined.

Daughter’s Journal Sunday 2/22/98 after 8pm

Your nose is still running. I wonder if it’s the cold or if you’re really allergic to wheat. We give you wheat in your hotdog, soy sauce, and gravy. Your 2 year check up is next week. We’ll see what the doctor says.

Your letter vocabulary: A, B, C, D, E, G, J, L, M, S, T. When we read Katy Kat (about where animals live, I asked “where do you live?” You said “house.” We’re trying to get you to use pronouns. You’re very good with talking about yourself in the 3rd person but you don’t use “you” or “I” but you’re beginning to understand.

I started leaving the side of the crib down so you can get used to it so little by little we can put you into a real bed.

Rain, rain, rain. Cabin fever.

You know that crickets chirp and frogs ribbet. You make observations about everything. Patty says you only talk to her, you don’t talk to the other children. You talk all day here at home.

You like Disney movies (besides Jungle Book) – you’ve seen 101 Dalmatians and love Bambi. You like Mickey mouse cartoons too. You’re particular about when you want to watch and then announce when you want the TV off. Sometimes you have a long attention span and other times the cartoons just wind you up and you get wild. It’s all good fun though.