Challenge Day 51

51: Sunrise/Sunset: The sun comes up, the sun goes down. It goes round and round. Write something inspiring about the sunrise or sunset.

Most of my life, I only watched sunsets but fifteen years ago when I started working out of the home, I discovered sunrises and decided I liked them a little more than sunsets. Before 2008, I exercised daily but either in the evening (before I had kids) or in morning after I dropped the kids at school. When I had to get a job out of the house (I got ahead of the market crash in 2009) I wasn’t sure where I had room in my awake hours to exercise. The only “free time” I had was 5am.

I rise early to exercise, whether it’s hiking, walking, or going to the gym. This affords the opportunity to view sunrises and I’ve discovered that they are lovely. It’s certainly a different experience even if it’s the same sky, the same sun, and the same atmosphere. Both. I like both sunrises and sunsets, I just see more sunsets now.

I’ve written about my recent hobby of sunset chasing so I like them a lot. It gives me joy to watch a sunset.