Challenge Day 5

5. Food: What’s for breakfast? Dinner? Lunch?

DH2 loves to “stock up” on freezer and pantry foods. He forgets what we already have and will buy more of his favorites. While he travels, I attempt to eat through what’s been horded the longest. He also doesn’t believe in expiration dates so I often find items that have been in the house longer than I’ve been here.

In preparation of us traveling for several months and sister house sitting, I’m focusing on eating down as much as possible. This includes making vats of soup, huge salads, and weird combinations of foods for a meal.

This morning I had turkey noodle soup. Why don’t we eat soup for breakfast? It’s awesome! It’s hearty, tasty, and warm – perfect for a rainy winter day.

Snacks will be dates and fresh fruit.

I believe salads should have many yummy things as possible. Along with traditional lettuce, carrots, peppers, cucumbers, and broccoli, I like to add extras like cheese, canned beans, nuts, and dried fruit; raisins, cranberries, or cherries. I love ranch dressing (making DH2 shiver in disgust) and add a splash of balsamic vinegar to top off the deliciousness. Every bite has multiple flavors and I’m very satisfied with the experience.

Dinner will be a stir fry in the attempt to finish the vegetables.

I’ve also been trying to drink down our alcohol, but that’s another story 🙂