Challenge Day 49

49. Joke Poem: What did the wall say to the other wall? Meet you at the corner! Write something inspired by a favorite joke.

Do I have a favorite joke? No. Do I know any jokes by heart? Also no. I’m not sure what to do about this prompt since nothing comes to mind. I will tell a story instead.

Winter break of my senior year of high school, my vision narrowed to black while waiting in line at a department store. I tried to find a place to sit down but because I couldn’t see anything, I tripped over a bench and smacked my head the wall. I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance, a doctor sewed up my head, I was kept overnight and sent home. After a day at home, I had a seizure and my mom was freaked out so I got another ride in an ambulance complete with a week stay in the hospital.

There were several long term problems from this accident, but a curious complication / side effect was that I didn’t understand humor for a year. Someone would tell a joke or a funny story but I couldn’t understand what was funny about it. I could recognize that it was supposed to be funny but it made no sense. I was glad when jokes began to be funny again.