Challenge Day 43

43. The Sound of Silence: Write about staying quiet when you feel like shouting.

Why would I shout? For anger, for frustration, for joy?

When someone supports Trump, denies science or reality, I want to shout angry things. I know saying anything does not change their beliefs or opinions so I keep my mouth shut.

When a family member or friend is making a choice that I think is not in their best interest, I want to shout to tell them that they are making a mistake. I keep my mouth shut because I will then be seen as unsupportive.

When I got engaged, I wanted to shout for joy to everyone. But my sister, kids, and ex needed to be told first so we had to wait weeks to tell them. No one likes to talk on the phone so it was pulling teeth to get anyone on the phone to tell them. Once I told them, then I could shout it out loud!