Challenge Day 41

41. What You Don’t Know: Write about a secret you’ve kept from someone else or how you feel when you know someone is keeping a secret from you.

If someone has kept a secret from you, how would you know? A secret is a secret until something happens that makes you go “huh?” It might be an inconsistency in a story, a found artifact that is suspicious or confusing, an observation that doesn’t make sense. When any of these things happen, there is cognitive dissonance which leads you to weigh what you know with new information. If you disregard the information, then you are gaslighting yourself. If you ask that someone about your new observation and they deny your thoughts and feelings, they’re gaslighting you and you question your senses. They did something wrong and don’t want to be caught, are ashamed of something, or want to avoid consequences. Trust your senses and your intuition.