Challenge Day 360

360. Review: Review your week, month, or year in a journal entry or poem format.

2023 was an insane year of change, good things, and travel. The four months in Australia allowed for more exploration not only of Melbourne, but of Adelaide and Queensland. I decided to retire which created a whirlwind of events to prepare and take all necessary steps needed so I didn’t screw myself in the process. I traveled Namibia, South Africa, and Tanzania which included a safari and my 60th birthday. I experienced Switzerland, complete with fantasy walks with the Matterhorn as a back drop. I caught COVID. I became a Swiftie, became obsessed with Swift’s music, went to her concert, and movie. A ferry journey through the Norwegian fjords and ticking my curiosity with trolls were next on the itinerary. I visited my daughter and Taliesen West in Arizona. With my sister, I visited my father and brother in Wisconsin and worked through some family trauma. I buzz cut my hair and discovered that my neck is either burning hot in the sun or freezing cold, there are no in-betweens. I checked off my top two destinations by traveling to the Galápagos Islands and Machu Picchu. I have spent so much time thinking about these places that when I was actually there, my mind felt clear.

I have spent more time away from home than at home and I’m not sure how I feel about that.