Challenge Day 352

352. Motivational Poster: Look at some motivational posters online and write a poem or journal entry inspired by your favorite one.

I think my first exposure to those motivational posters were in the mid-80’s during my first couple of full time jobs. Concepts as teamwork, excellence, gratitude, courage, and attitude posters were illustrated with beautiful photography and flowery prose. I moderately liked them but somehow they left an unsettling after taste. Many years after these were popular, the parody, demotivation, and cynical versions were created and these suited my outlook much better:

  • Adversity: That which does not kill me will be killed in retaliation
  • Wisdom: It’s better to be silent and look wise than it is to open your mouth and prove you are not
  • Possibility: Every dawn brings a new day for you to flame out in humiliation