Challenge Day 35

35. War and Peace: Write about a recent conflict that you dealt with in your life.

I do not like conflict and avoid it in any way I can. I cannot believe I used to be a therapist and that I considered being a mediator a decade ago. Both of those jobs make cringe at having to deal with anyone else’s conflict. Yes, although it is someone else’s conflict but I have evolved to dodging anyone’s conflict.

I either give in to the other side or I ignore it. I have little ego if it’s a simple conflict and don’t give much credence to “giving in” because I know what I think or believe regardless of what I say to make a problem go away. If the issue is important (politics, human rights) I don’t engage with anyone who is a misogynist, homophobic, or doesn’t believe in facts. Sadly this means the circle of people I can engage with has shrunk in recent times but I don’t want to hear their side. I’m tired of gaslighting.