Challenge Day 326

326. Say it: Write a poem or story that uses dialogue between two people.

Samantha and Jada share a bottle of wine while catching up from not seeing each other for a month.

“Are you hungry? I can make some food or we can order out?” Samantha asked.

“OMG, let’s order Rusty’s pizza!” Jada replied.

“Oh, Davis never wants to order Rusty’s so yes this makes me happy. I want pineapple and jalapeno.”

In surprise, Jada answers “I love you so much right now, no one ever wants what I want on a pizza!”

As Samantha orders a salad with ranch dressing, there is an option to order extra dressing containers and asks “Do you like ranch and should I order more? I like to dip my pizza in it.”

“I love ranch, Kris thinks it’s foul so yes, lots of ranch,” replied Jada.

Upon arrival, the covers of the dressing are torn off and the pizza is devoured like hyenas tearing apart a gazelle.