Challenge Day 322

322. Personality Type: Do you know your personality type? (There are many free quizzes online) – write about what type of personality traits you have.

I have taken the Myers-Briggs for many decades, even before I was taught how to administer them to clients. Now you can just take the test online but back in the day, a therapist did it. Because I was in the mental health field, I wanted to be Intuitive and Feeling and was frustrated when I wasn’t. Over the years, the only trait that varied was whether I was an extrovert or introvert, flopping back and forth between them. The last time I took it 10 years ago, I was solidly in the middle of Extrovert and Introvert and I think that sums me up pretty well. I’m ESTJ with my traits being:

  • Logical
  • Quietly Analytical
  • Practical
  • Adaptable
  • Curious
  • Cool
  • Observer
  • Problem Solver
  • Exact
  • Realistic
  • Troubleshooter
  • Hands On
  • Variety
  • Adventurous
  • Independent

I think it’s pretty accurate.