Challenge Day 32

32. Rewrite: Take any poem or short story you enjoy. Rewrite it in your own words.

Sally cleaned out her closet to donate clothes and toys to Goodwill. She had colorful pants, hoodies, basketballs, and a skateboard. Hopping onto her bike, she discovered the items were too unwieldy for her to carry. Oh no! How will she get her donations to the drop off so others can enjoy her items?

Jennifer rode by on a slick Schwinn bike with a banana seat and front basket so Sally asked if Jennifer could help. Jennifer pointed to her basket and said, “I don’t want that rubbish in my basket” and rode off.

Angela walked up pulling her red wagon and was curious about Sally’s sad face. After Sally explained what happened, Angela agreed to pull the items in her wagon. Angela discovered though there was a big hill on the way to the donation center so she pulled and pulled. Seeing the struggle, Sally got behind her and pushed the wagon while Angela pulled. “I think we can do it,” Sally puffed.

They pushed and pulled the wagon until they made it to the top. At the donation center, the volunteer thanked them for their gift, “these will make a kid very happy, we appreciate everything.”

Sally thanked Angela for cooperating with her to complete this task. Both girls discovered they enjoyed being helpful and decided to join forces to gather donations from the neighborhood. They are now good friends and are known for their happy smiles around town.