Challenge Day 311

311. Easy-Peasy: Write  about doing something effortlessly.

There is a difference between physical effort and mental/emotional effort. I have been hiking the Inspiration Point trail since 1994 and although there is some physical effort in this hike, there is zero mental effort. In chronological sequence, I hiked with DH, then with small children, with a women’s hiking group, with cub scouts, by myself, and now with DH2. During the pandemic, we hiked it constantly and currently, we used this hike as morning exercise in lieu of the gym. I know every turn, every plant, every rise and fall of the terrain. I’ve named each section of the trail e.g. the unimaginative front country, up country, back country, and the more inspired Arlington corridor, fairy rapids. I don’t have to think about the trail while I’m hiking and can enjoy the air, view, smells, and joy. Effortless.