Challenge Day 307

307. Glasses: Write about a pair of eyeglasses or someone wearing glasses.

I got my first pair of glasses in 2nd grade and thankfully at that time, I only needed them for reading and close-up work. I don’t remember taking them to school but know I used them at home. In my 30’s I started my business and discovered I needed my glasses for the computer so began wearing the glasses on a leash around my neck since I didn’t need them all of the time. When my first symptoms of myesthenia gravis began in 2008, I had temporary prisms adhering to one lens so I had to wear my glasses all of the time to alleviate the double vision. I’ve been wearing glasses ever since, have computer glasses, and make sure I have a backup pair on all trips. On a 12 hour train ride from Anchorage to Fairbanks, I accidentally slept on my glasses and they were tweaked so badly that I couldn’t see, hence the backup pair on all trips. I tried contacts but failed spectacularly. Although I don’t like wearing glasses, I am rather fond of seeing so I know this is just part of life.