Challenge Day 3

3. The Vessel: Write about a ship or other vehicle that can take you somewhere different from where you are now.

I will be boarding a plane on Saturday to return me to Australia. Framing travel as a sport has helped alleviate anxiety when something goes wrong with the process.

I often break down travel into definable bits so I can celebrate when something was completed.

  • drive to airport
  • check-in line
  • check-in counter
  • TSA
  • finding the gate
  • waiting at the gate
  • boarding
  • waiting on plane before it takes off
  • flight itself with mini goals of meals
  • deplaning
  • customs
  • baggage pickup
  • getting transportation
  • travel to end point

If there is a problem with any of these steps, I think about all the success parts already completed and focus on how to solve the existing problem. There is a domino effect with problems because everything that follows is impacted. Thinking about this as a sport, I think strategically and impassionately about possible paths: down but not out, what’s the next play, it’s just a game.

If travel is just a game, we eventually win i.e. arrive where we intend and it hurts less than to be anxious and worried about things I can’t control.