Challenge Day 299

299. Concrete: Write about walking down a sidewalk and what you see and experience.

There are no sidewalks in my “neighborhood” and this makes me sad. My previous neighborhood was family oriented with parks and open spaces for the community. The sidewalks were well maintained and there was a strip mall conveniently just a mile away where I used to love to for a drink and not have to worry about driving home. The road at the end of our driveway is a narrow, windy, 2-lane street, flanked by a steep incline on one side and a cliff on the other. Often there isn’t even a patch of dirt on the outside of the curb to walk on so 90% of the time, I’m walking in the street constantly looking behind me to make sure nothing will hit me. Since the road curves so much, I constantly cross the street to ensure maximum visibility. Although it’s a beautiful walk, it’s anxiety provoking to be so vigilant for danger. If I want nice sidewalks, I have to drive a mile. I miss nice sidewalks.