Challenge Day 296

296. Cravings: Write about craving something.

I used to crave something sweet after lunch and it didn’t matter how much I had eaten. I experimented with what I ate, how much I ate, who I ate with, and exact timing of when I ate but I always wanted a little something more. Once I ate so much food I was stuffed but still wanted something sweet. It was very annoying. I noticed recently that it had been a long time since I had this experience so I tried to pinpoint what changed. I read recently that when you don’t sleep well, that you get more food cravings and then I remembered that I started using cannabis the night Trump was elected and vowed to used daily for the next four years to cope with the nightmare of American politics. Cannabis makes me sleep, I started feeling well rested, and my cravings went away. I may eat too much but I don’t crave sweets any more. Nice.