Challenge Day 295

295. Apple a Day: Write about a health topic that interests you.

One has faith that when the walk sign turns green, that it is safe to cross the street but in Norway, when I stepped off the curb with the benefit of that green walk sign, a car turned the corner and came a few inches from hitting me. My reaction was to spring back using the leg that I had stepped out on and I injured my hamstring up to my piriformis muscle. I spent two days in bed with MIL’s muscle relaxants and icy hot and did not get to enjoy the last two days of Norway. At home I alternated hot and cold along with Advil and easy walking to heal the injury. Although I had been making small improvements, including being able to touch my toes after a good warm up, I had a massage today which was exactly what I needed. The masseur could dig into the areas that I didn’t have good access to and OMG, I feel so much better. Massage is healing.