Challenge Day 291

291. Title First: Make a list of potential poem or story titles and choose one to write from.

  • I swam with a Minke whale
  • I was temporarily stranded on the Barrier reef at night
  • I had meningitis and set a goal to do a triathlon
  • My triathlon journey over 12 years
  • I got ready for a date but my sister re-dressed me piece by piece
  • I was told by my high school chemistry teacher that because I didn’t understand something, I hadn’t developed formal thinking
  • I was told by my grad school professor that I should be a cosmetics girl at Macys
  • My complicated relationship with food, exercise, and my body
  • What seven years of dance classes did for me
  • How Girl Scouts taught me core skills
  • What cheer-leading did for my social skills
  • My first European vacation at age 16 with my French class
  • Having a potato farmer as a friend
  • Pen pals!!
  • Comics and my attachment to Snoopy
  • How being in a sorority enhanced my college life
  • Religion trauma
  • Depression over decades