Challenge Day 285

285. Repeat: Write about a time when you’ve had to repeat yourself or a time when it felt like no one was listening.

When I was seventeen, I hit my head in a fall and suffered a concussion. At nineteen, I noticed that I had problems decoding words. My BF would say something and I’d repeat the nonsense that I heard and he’d have to repeat what he really said. It was like the words got scrambled from my ears to my brain. This continued for years and when I got good health insurance, I had my hearing checked with results that I did not have a hearing problem. I can listen to audio books at 1.5 speed and understand what is said I think because they enunciate. I watch screens with subtitles on because I really can’t understand accents and even English is hard to parse. I recently went to a audiologist and he suggested I had auditory processing disorder. fascinating and it fits. Although I don’t have to repeat myself, I do have to ask others to repeat themselves because I want to unscramble what they say.