Challenge Day 281

281. On the Farm: Write about being in a country or rural setting.

During the 2021 Melbourne lock down, the restrictions lessened so we could travel more than 25km from our home. I needed to get out of the city and into nature because I’d fallen into despair. One air bnb reservation later, we were on our way. Our cottage was on an organic farm, complete with grazing sheep and views of gum forests. The first day, we just looked at the rain and sheep out the picture window, just relaxing into our environment.

We awoke on the last day to golden sunlight with grasses heavy with raindrops. A dog-like sheep rummaged around the trash cans and bushes in the yard so I crept outside to snap a pic. The property owner came out and introduced us to the sheep named Handsome and showed us some trails we could take to find the goats and stream where a platypus might be found. He gave us a bucket of food for the goats. It was a glorious walk through the meadow. Steam rose off the ground as the sun warmed all that was wet the day before.