Challenge Day 28

28. Shadow: Imagine you are someone’s shadow for a day.

Although I have a vague memory of dropping into this water, this is the only home I remember. My community is fairly large given the amount of space we’re given to swim around in especially since I’m not really a social animal and I’d much prefer being by myself. Alas, I have not figured a way out of here after exploring this whole place.

Most days are nice with people walking by to look at me or sitting on the edge either talking to others or looking at their phone. Once a day, someone sprinkles food and we all compete to eat. There are some who are aggressive and nudge out the smaller of us. There are some annoying but colorful co-inhabitants who swim strangely with flipping tails. I do get enough to eat but I have to keep up with others so I don’t miss out.

I am a bit scared of these large feathery things that sit at the edge or on our rocks. They like to stab their beaks at us and the orange co-inhabitants because one time I saw it carry one of those orange things away. I don’t want to be stabbed so I try to avoid them. But I wonder if the orange things got to go somewhere better?

Occasionally more water drops from the sky into our home which is fine but I especially like when it gets bright and warm; then I like to climb onto a rock island, stretch out and soak up the warmth. I feel invigorated and happy up int the light. It’s not a bad life although I have another 90 years of this if I don’t starve or get eaten. One day at a time.