Challenge Day 279

279. Flashlight: Imagine going somewhere very dark with only a flashlight to guide you.

After wrapping up a zoom meeting in the early evening, I began to clean up dinner and do some chores only to have our power cut. Why??? I texted a neighbor but her power was on, the neighbors below and across the ravine from us had power, but the house above us was suspiciously dark. I reported the outage on the SCE website and then proceeded to find candles and flashlights to prepare for an unknown amount of darkness. With a flashlight, I folded the clothes that had been in the dryer, loaded the dishwasher, and tried to find alternative charging options for my phone. I have a UPS for my computer that stays active for an hour so I should have shut my computer down but I was so distracted by trying to figure out what was wrong with the power and finding an external battery for my phone that I missed the window to shut it down properly. We were without power for three hours so I journeyed through the house with my handy dandy flashlight.