Challenge Day 278

278. Sticky: Imagine a situation that’s very sticky, maybe even covered in maple syrup, tape or glue. Write about it!

Our tenant was turning 40 and asked if he could use our kitchen and balcony for his party while we were out of the country. Because we didn’t want anyone to be tempted to walk away with our liquor investment, I moved all bottles into the pantry and shut the door. Upon our return, I decided I wanted to organize the bottles better so types would be grouped and it would be easier to find everything. I knew there was an app called “Make me a cocktail” that would help me inventory my stock. As picked up a bottle from the pantry, I added it to the app database, decided which shelf it should live on, and then wash my hands. I was surprised by how sticky the bottles were, and I mean they were all sticky! The work paid off because now I can open the app and click “make me a cocktail” and it will offer drinks that I can make based off the actual ingredients that I have. This is a game changer for me so I can try new things and find my favorites. I look forward to making my hands sticky again.