Challenge Day 272

272. Scrapbook: Write about finding a scrapbook and the memories it contains.

I loved looking through my mom’s photo album since it gave me a glimpse into my mom’s life before I met her. The photos started with her parents, the sparse images that poor immigrants acquired in their lives. Along with a photo of my grandma sitting with her older siblings at her parent’s funeral, there was a tintype impression, a photo with her in a bathing suit and a silly photo booth picture of her in a baker’s hat. Then came grandma’s wedding photos, caravan images of them moving from New Jersey to California, and then a series of my aunts and uncle growing up. Mom’s pix pick up with her school pictures, her friends, meeting my dad, their wedding, and my siblings being born. My mom grew up during the East Coast air raids in WW2, had scarlet fever as a child, and remembers playing with dabs of mercury… enough for a life time of trauma. She’s been gone from this earth for 18 years but there’s not a day I don’t think of her.