Challenge Day 264

264. Light at the End of the Tunnel: Write about a time when you saw hope when it seemed like a hopeless situation.

The year 2020 was in my top 3 worst years. The uncertainty of what was going to happen and how the pandemic was going to end created anxiety. The loss of human contact, routine, and experiences created depression. This was the perfect storm of mental illness. When a company in Australia who was commercializing the research out of DH2’s lab offered us the opportunity to come there, I felt a glimmer of hope. Because Australia wasn’t letting in tourists, an immigration lawyer helped us apply for permanent residency. This application process was long and detailed including FBI checks, finger printing, medical exams by their approved doctors, and proof of relationship since we weren’t married at the time. We started the application process in October 2020 and were approved February 3, 2021 thus providing me the will to live and the hope of a future.