Challenge Day 256

256. Write for a Cause: Write a poem or essay that raises awareness for a cause you support.

I was ten years old when Roe v Wade was decided. If there was negativity in my home or community, I don’t remember any of it. I thought it an extension to the Equal Rights Amendment, giving women more freedom from what I didn’t know then was patriarchy. In my mid-20’s, I must have donated money or did some volunteer work for Planned Parenthood because I had possession of a “I’m pro-choice and I vote” sticker which I proudly affixed to my car only to find myself in an argument with my BF (15 years older than I was) about it. He was embarrassed by my public display of women’s bodily autonomy and demanded I remove it. I wish I had been stronger at age 25 because I never should have given in and I should have broken up with him sooner. That would never happen now.