Challenge Day 244

244. Fight: Write about witnessing two people get in an argument with each other.

I traveled to Europe with my high school French class in the summer between my junior and senior year, just before I turned seventeen. On the London tube, while waiting in a car, I witnessed my first violent crime that still haunts me. A pickpocket stole a wallet from someone and when the pickpocket ran away, a good citizen apprehended the thief. The thief twisted and turned but finally bit into the hand of his captor. The captor, not wanting the thief to get away was then in pain and bleeding but apparently the pain became too intense that he let go of the thief and he got away. The citizen was just trying to be helpful yet he became a second victim to this crime. I had never observed crime like this in real time. The thief had bit into the fleshy web between the citizen’s thumb and index finger; so to this day, I can’t handle a lover even lightly nibbling in this area without trauma.