Challenge Day 242

242. Cheater: Write about someone who is unfaithful.

I go to Starbucks every day for my cappuccino with whole milk and one sugar. I know all the workers, the other patrons who are regulars at 7am, and feel friendly and amicable toward all. The workers know my name and my order and when I am sick or on vacation, they note that I was missing and welcome me back. But there is a little boutique café that has opened few blocks over from my place within walking distance. I went the other morning and OMG the coffee was amazing: smooth yet bold with something that I can’t even put my finger on but it’s so good. When I returned to Starbucks, I was asked if I had been sick and I lied, saying I had a business trip. I feel guilty about going to another coffee shop. I feel unfaithful.