Challenge Day 238

238. Pocket: Rummage through your pockets and write about what you keep or find in your pockets.

The lack of functional pockets in women’s clothing irritates me no end. Most clothing has no pockets at all and when they do, the pockets are so tiny that you can’t put anything in them; back pockets can’t fit a phone or wallet and front pockets are too short for anything. I have a pair of Boy Scout leader pants and they do have real pockets because these pants are designed for men. The current narrative around why we don’t have pockets is because of patriarchy, of course. Is it really because we don’t want to ruin our silhouette with bulky things? No.

The lack of independence and responsibilities that restricted them to the home led designers to assume they did not need pockets. Men carried all the money, documents and keys —therefore, they were awarded with apparel functionality.