Challenge Day 237

237. Obituaries: Look at the recent obituaries online or in the newspaper and imagine the life of someone and write about that person.

I opened the local online newspaper that lists obituaries, looked at the first listing, and found an amazing woman. Born two years before my mom, Elizabeth was a young girl in Germany when WW2 was in full swing. After the war, she immigrated to Canada where she got a job at the German Consulate and met her future husband. After their child was born, they moved back to Germany so the husband could attend art school, but then moved to Santa Barbara in the early 1960s where instead of painting art, the husband painted houses. To support her family, she became a realtor which served her doubly well since her husband died early in life leaving her with three children. Here is a woman who literally lived through war and created a good life for her family. This grit and strength is a good role model for anyone.