Challenge Day 232

232. Tech Support: Use computers or a conversation with tech support you’ve had as inspiration.

The doctor’s office was advertised as being open on Saturday so I called shortly after 9am when the website stated they were open. I was on hold for a long time and then instructed to leave a message where I asked if I could get a prescription of paxlovid because I had just tested positive for covid. I had a bad feeling about this so I scheduled an appointment on the CVS website that allows you to get screened by the pharmacist and then the pharmacist can prescribe the meds. But at the appointment time, a staff person from CVS says that their pharmacist was qualified and I should try a different CVS. Unfortunately they were the only ones listed on the website for me to use so I was out of luck on both fronts. On the following Wednesday, a full five days after my call to the doctor, they called me back. WTF? This was an epic failure on their part and informed them as such but they meekly said they were just following directions. Hello failure of the medical system.