Challenge Day 223

223. So Close: Write about coming close to reaching a goal.

When I started traveling with DH2, we had a plan to hike to the highest point we could during a trip. We were successful in Barbados, Trinidad, and Tobago so I was excited to hike to the top of the Sierra Maestra in Cuba where Castro holed up during their revolution. The trail was mostly up and down without making much forward or upward motion toward the top. I could see the top, it never got closer, and my energy flagged. I had to abandon the hike with DH2 continuing with the hiking group to the top of the mountain. The trail was very clear and there hadn’t been any turnoff where I could get lost so I decided to hike back to the camp site by myself. I had to sit due to dizziness and faintness several times and I noticed that there was no noise at all in the mountains. No bird calls, no insect buzzing, no wind. I did see one insect, a black moth but they didn’t make any noise. It was eerie and I was relieved to arrive back at camp. I’m disappointed I didn’t make it to the top but sometimes the body has other plans.