Challenge Day 220

220. Limerick: Write a limerick today.

I don’t write limericks.

While driving hours in a land rover through the Serengeti, I began to have creative thoughts about starting a Tiktok channel. I’ve been consuming content there for three years thanks to the pandemic and subsequent social media addiction but I was never inclined to create myself for a variety of reasons. I saw how trolls were unnecessarily mean and I did not want any of that in my life. I had enough bullying as a kid and spend a great deal of energy avoiding people like that. Another road block for creating content was I didn’t know what niche I could find for myself. Do I focus on cocktails, nail art, mature beauty/fashion, Photoshop, or WordPress? I couldn’t conceive how I could maintain content in those categories plus I didn’t have much creative juice nor bandwidth to devote to the project. With retirement and a camera roll of travel photos, I’m contemplating a travel photography project. Although I’m not sure how I’ll start, at least I’m feeling energy around doing this!