Challenge Day 219

219. So Ironic: Write about an ironic situation you’ve been in throughout your life

My brother was always considered the creative person in the family since he drew pictures and eventually became a cake decorator. When I learned digital art and started my own web/graphics business, the family was surprised because I had not shown an interest or aptitude for the visual arts. The family dynamic was that brother was the artistic one so that niche was taken and I had to fit into another slot. The beauty of adulthood is that you don’t have to follow the family rules so I had space to acknowledge that I too was creative. After my business was successful, my aunt said something like, “we always thought brother would be the one to have an art related business because he was the talented and creative sibling.” Ironic since I wasn’t deemed the creative one that I am now the one who is successful.

p.s. the header image has nothing to do with the post, I just want to use all my pix from the Taylor Swift concert.