Challenge Day 212

212. Font-tastic: Choose a unique font and type out a poem, story or journal entry using that font.

This prompt doesn’t quite work for a blog entry where fonts are determined by a css style sheet and I don’t feel like installing a new font just for this.

When I started my love affair with fonts, one of the first web sites I found was It had some wonderful fonts that were retro and cool. I loved the 1950’s look and have used some of them in my professional designs. Over the years, they have added more font packages and I still periodically go there to see what’s new.

My least favorite fonts are Papyrus and Comic Sans. Saturday Night Live even made fun of Papyrus in its roasting of the movie Avatar using the font for their subtitles. The font was described as “tribal yet futuristic” but when I see it, I cringe.