Challenge Day 207

207. Volcano: Write about an eruption of a volcano.

Poking lava with a stick is one of DH2’s bucket list items. He has visited many active volcanoes but for various reasons, he has not had that opportunity yet. A favorite story he tells is about a volcano in Vanuatu where he hiked up a volcano and viewed the roiling, spewing lava lake below the rim. He only had a DSLR camera so he tried to take a selfie without falling in, with the lava lake in the background. Last month, he climbed Oldonyo Len’gai volcano above Lake Natron in Tanzania. The trek began at 9:30pm, hiking on ash trails, and viewed the spurting lava in the dark. At sunrise, he walked down and then we could resume our safari at 11am. Someday, I bet he’ll check off poking lava with a stick from his list.