Challenge Day 200

200. Extreme Makeover: Imagine how life might be different if you could change your hair color or clothing into something completely opposite from your current style.

Being old, I’ve had the opportunity to rotate through many looks throughout life. I did hand-me-downs, preppy, goth, 80’s chic, poor social worker, young professional, mom-chic, and gym rat to name a few styles. The first time I dyed my hair was during the 1983 Miss America pageant when Vanessa Williams was crowned as the first black winner. My sorority roommate and I just bleached our bangs and face fringe and I admit I looked ridiculous.

Fast forward a couple decades when my gray hair began to bother my self image and I began getting my hair dyed every 6-8 weeks and this lasted until the the pandemic. DH2 encouraged me to go gray so during lock down, I let it grow out. I think the gray makes me look older but I occasionally add a semi-permanent pink or purple to make me feel younger.