Challenge Day 2

2. The Unrequited love poem: How do you feel when you love someone who does not love you back?

I have spent far too much time pining for someone who did not love me. From elementary school throughout life, there seemed to always be someone I had a crush on who did not return the feeling. Although most of the time, I had crushes on people in real life but there have been a few crushes on celebrities that have simmered through time.

It’s certainly easier to have a crush on a celebrity or fictional character because there is the fantasizing but there’s no real energy behind thoughts of it being real.

I had a crush on Snoopy, yes the Charles Shultz cartoon dog. The term “fanfiction” didn’t exist in the 70’s but Snoopy inspired me to write poems, write plays, and make puppets to act out the scenes.

“Boy bands” weren’t a term either although the Beatles and the Monkees certainly fit the bill now. I crushed on Donny Osmond, wrote him fan letters, read Tiger Beat, and pinned his posters on the wall. Shaun Cassidy and Barry Gibb were other hot tickets I would swoon over.

I didn’t know I could have crushes on girls when I was little but in retrospect, I totally did. Barbara Eden (I dream of Jeanie), Barbara Feldon (Get Smart), Josie and the Pussycats were all characters that at the time I thought just wanted to be like. But no, I was totally attracted to them.

In junior high and high school, I wrote poems of unrequited love to the many people I crushed on. If I knew where those poems were in the basement boxes now, I would drag them out but I have no idea where exactly I could find them. I think I wrote a ream of typing paper worth of poems.

I don’t like the yearning feeling. It’s like loss without having the joy that should come before a loss. Liking/loving people who like me back is preferable.

OK, I kinda have a crush on Harrison Ford and Michelle Yeoh 🙂