Challenge Day 194

194. Time Travel: If there was a time period you could visit for a day, where would you go? Write about traveling back in time to that day.

I needlessly ponder my ancestors more often than is reasonable. At any point in history, I had an ancestor living in that era. Medieval times, I had an ancestor who was doing something somewhere. I wonder what that was like. In the Iron Age, two people to whom I am related lived, met, mated, and produced viable offspring. With infant mortality, illness, and accident, it boggles my mind that there is a path through history in which these genes traveled and ended up with me. What was my ancestor doing in the Renaissance? Were they servants or wanna be artists? What was their living situation like? How did they meet the mate that produced the next in line for my eventual genes? This is a weird mental exercise that lives rent free in my head.