Challenge Day 182

182. Complain: Write about your complaints about something.

I am profoundly disappointed with the supreme justice decision that it is ok to discriminate against a class of citizen. I’m angry that these guys lied to get where they are (oh yes I totally won’t do anything to overturn Roe v Wade) because if they had been truthful, they never would have been confirmed. I like that ‘Sopranos’ Star Michael Imperioli ‘Forbids Bigots and Homophobes’ From Watching His Work because the Supreme Court Decision ‘Allows Me to Discriminate.’ I’m also any at the woman who started the whole issue because she wasn’t even a web designer at the time and the guys she sited in her case didn’t exist. One guy existed but he had no idea he was the center of the case plus he himself was a web designer and he was married to a woman. The audacity of such lies plus the supreme court going along with it. Australia is looking better and better.