Challenge Day 176

176. Jealousy: Write with a theme of envy and jealousy.

For my grad school thesis, my topic was how jealousy did not contribute to the well-being of a relationship or something along those lines since it was a very long time ago. I’m not a fan of jealousy and saw how it was a destructive force in relationships so I studied both sides of the jealousy theories of the day. One theory says that jealousy show the other partner that they’re devoted and want to keep the sanctity of the monogamous relationship. The other theory says that jealousy drives a wedge in between people and encourages distrust and toxicity. I designed my research around the second theory and I think it was a good paper back then. I still hold this theory for my own life and have little jealousy with my partners. I don’t like drama and think jealousy is a big pile of drama.