Challenge Day 175

175. All that Glitters: Write about a shiny object.

On this morning’s hike, we ran into our 85 year old friend who is a jeweler in town. He suggested that for our first anniversary that I should get a diamond, I vehemently disagreed and proceeded to explain my reaction. When I first married at 27 years, I did want the big diamond and was thrilled when DH bought me a beautiful ring. I loved how it looked on my hand and would admire the brilliance of the stone in the sunlight. Soon after the engagement, I began having nightmares about losing my diamonds out of the setting and they didn’t end even when I actually did lose a diamond. I guess I had hoped that if it happened in real life, then my subconscious wouldn’t harass me any more. Nope, the dreams continued until I divorced and ring free. When getting married the second time, I told our jeweler that I didn’t want diamonds but he still gave me a gem version saying that if I lost one, it would be inexpensive to replace. I decided to think about it but even considering having a diamond woke up the stupid nightmares. That made the decision to be gem-free an easy one because I do not like those dreams.