Challenge Day 173

173. Silver Lining: Write about the good that happens in a bad situation.

The pandemic suuuucccked! I think the world will have PTSD for a long time because of what we had to physically and emotionally had to endure. Here are my silver lining take-aways from this:

  • We learned that we could do our work from home
  • I expanded my nail art skills to include masking, dotting, and water-marbling
  • I discovered TikTok
  • I let my hair dye grow out so now my hair is gray
  • I leaned into mixology and discovered some delicious concoctions
  • I now have weights and a weight bench and can do a complete workout without a gym if I wanted (I don’t want to, but if I had to, I could)
  • DH2 and I have AU permanent residency

I’m glad to be on the other side of lock downs but still have lingering depression that I’m battling. One day at a time.