Challenge Day 169

169. Treehouse: Write about your own secret treehouse hideaway.

Hmmm, I feel like this was already a topic on Challenge Day 94.

In the house that my kids grew up in, we had several mature (50+ year-old) trees. The Sycamore tree was beautiful but had an invasive fungus that could not be treated regardless of how many injections and treatments we gave it. The Chinese Elm tree had a tall, think trunk which made it hard to climb and the branches were not distributed well for a tree house. The Olive tree had a low trunk and many sturdy branching limbs so that was a favorite for climbing and a place for the kids to place wood planks for a tree house. The very leafy Loquat tree was the best for sitting boards and hiding places. It seemed like they enjoyed themselves, I hope they did. I liked when they played in the yard together.