Challenge Day 162

162. Missing You: Write about someone you miss.

My cousin died this week and my heart is sad. Cousin’s mom and my mom were sisters and we were both the babies of our families. Being only three months apart in age, we grew up together, spending hours and hours playing, hanging out, picking apricots and mulberries, watching TV, playing games, sneaking candies, going to the park, walking the neighborhood, eating chocolate-chip cookies, and waiting for our mom’s to go home. Often we would be the only kids around so we had to get along with each other. He went into the military and I went to college but we remained a touchstone for each other when we gathered for weddings, funerals, and our grandmother’s birthday. Sadly, as we had our own kids and immersed ourselves in adult life, we fell out of regular contact but he remained the closest cousin in age and experience. His life did not turn out as we dreamed and I mourn the loss of his beautiful life.